Varicose Veins

woman holding hand over crotch with sos sign unexpected pelvic pain sos

Solutions for Unexpected Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy 

April 25, 2022

Unexpected Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy Changed My Life When I was pregnant with my first child, I was thrilled to be having a baby.  I was the youngest of 6 children, had been an Aunty 13xs over and had been working with kids throughout my life. I thought the pregnancy and mothering experience would come…

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Babybellyband Vulvar varicosity support kit treatment includes ice pack , pelvic compression bands, belly band

Treatment for Vulvar Varicosities During Pregnancy

September 24, 2020

Treating vulvar varicose veins using compression therapy  during pregnancy can relieve pain and reduce symptoms. You are not alone if you have vulvar varicosities. Fifty-five percent of women will suffer varicose veins in their lifetime, according to a study done by the American College of Phlebology. This may not be a hot topic of conversation,…

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