
Babybellyband Vulvar varicosity support kit treatment includes ice pack , pelvic compression bands, belly band

Treatment for Vulvar Varicosities During Pregnancy

September 24, 2020

Treating vulvar varicose veins using compression therapy  during pregnancy can relieve pain and reduce symptoms. You are not alone if you have vulvar varicosities. Fifty-five percent of women will suffer varicose veins in their lifetime, according to a study done by the American College of Phlebology. This may not be a hot topic of conversation,…

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Do Postpartum Belly Wraps Work for Weight Loss? Truth or Myth

July 19, 2017

  Do Postpartum Belly Wraps Work for weight loss? MYTH: Postpartum belly wraps can help me quickly regain my pre-pregnancy figure after giving birth. TRUTH: Postpartum belly wraps are not effective in weight loss whatsoever.  Empowering yourself with a combination of good diet and exercise is the only effective way to lose abdominal fat. Postpartum Belly Wraps also…

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Inguinal hernias develop during pregnancy support belts relieve pain

Inguinal Hernia During Pregnancy

February 14, 2016

Inguinal Hernia During Pregnancy Find Relief! When I was pregnant during my 6th month of pregnancy I found it difficult to walk by the end of the day because of severe pain in my groin area.  I was surprised to discover that I had developed an inguinal hernia because I was in good shape and…

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Hip pain pregnancy

July 23, 2014

Hip pain pregnancy related issues: When experiencing hip pain during pregnancy or during any time of life, wearing a sacro-iliac support band like the Babybellyband® brings tremendous relief and prevents further injury.  Stabilizing the joint reduces pain and swelling and can bring about a more comfortable, bearable daily life. During pregnancy the hormone relaxin helps to…

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