Compression / Support
The content below was summarized from the following Healthline article by Natasha Freutel. Belly bands are designed to support the lower back and abdomen during pregnancy. These flexible support garments may provide many benefits to active women who are pregnant, especially during the second and third trimesters. Always consult your doctor before using any compression…
Read MoreThis content was summarized from the article How Pregnancy Support Bands And Belts Relieve Discomfort by Charissa D. Newton, CNM in Premier Health. Many moms say that pregnancy support bands reduce pain and help them feel better. “As the uterus grows, all the ligaments that wrap around the abdomen are stretched and pulled and can…
Read MoreThe content below was summarized from the following WebMD article by Kelli Miller. Round ligament pain is a sharp pain or jabbing feeling often felt in the lower belly or groin area on one or both sides. It is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy and is considered a normal part of…
Read MoreInguinal hernias are relatively uncommon during pregnancy and often misdiagnosed. Learn more about what you can do to find relief and proper diagnoses and care of groin pain during pregnancy and beyond
Read MoreTreating vulvar varicose veins using compression therapy during pregnancy can relieve pain and reduce symptoms. You are not alone if you have vulvar varicosities. Fifty-five percent of women will suffer varicose veins in their lifetime, according to a study done by the American College of Phlebology. This may not be a hot topic of conversation,…
Read MoreBest Maternity Belt for Pelvic Pain 2019- 2020, MomLovesBest Review Babybellyband voted Best Maternity Belt for Pelvic Pain related to pregnancy in 2019 by MomLovesBest. We are proud to say that we have been solving pregnancy pain issues since 2007. We have worked closely with doctors and midwives and most importantly listened to our customers…
Read MoreBest Belly Band for Pregnancy Support~ Babybellyband Voted Top 5 We are proud to say that Babybellyband was voted in the top 5 Best Belly Bands by! We have worked hard to perfect our belly bands and accessories, we have made changes based on customer response. CABEA takes pride in our customer service and…
Read MoreBabybellyband Voted #3 in the Top 10 Pregnancy Support Bands for 2017! Quoted from 10 Best Pregnancy Support Bands | December 2016 “We spent 22 hours on research, videography, and editing, to review the top picks for this wiki. As you approach the third trimester of your pregnancy, you may find that the extra weight…
Read MoreHow to prevent and heal diastasis recti Diastasis recti is common during pregnancy. There are ways to prevent, heal and treat this condition during pregnancy and postpartum which are safe for both mom and baby. Many excellent exercise programs exist which will help you heal your body from diatasis recti and abdominal support systems…
Read MoreDo Postpartum Belly Wraps Work for weight loss? MYTH: Postpartum belly wraps can help me quickly regain my pre-pregnancy figure after giving birth. TRUTH: Postpartum belly wraps are not effective in weight loss whatsoever. Empowering yourself with a combination of good diet and exercise is the only effective way to lose abdominal fat. Postpartum Belly Wraps also…
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