hip pain

Pregnant woman with hands in heart over tummy for pelvic wellness

Pelvic Wellness During Pregnancy: Why it’s Important & How to Improve It

June 15, 2020

We’ve teamed up with What to Expect While You’re Expecting to bring you another great guest writer post.   The pelvic floor is a sling of muscles and ligaments that stretch from the pubic bone to the spine. The pelvic floor is often compared to a trampoline as it will stretch when there is weight…

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Hip pain pregnancy

July 23, 2014

Hip pain pregnancy related issues: When experiencing hip pain during pregnancy or during any time of life, wearing a sacro-iliac support band like the Babybellyband® brings tremendous relief and prevents further injury.  Stabilizing the joint reduces pain and swelling and can bring about a more comfortable, bearable daily life. During pregnancy the hormone relaxin helps to…

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