Treating vulvar varicose veins using compression therapy during pregnancy can relieve pain and reduce symptoms. You are not alone if you have vulvar varicosities. Fifty-five percent of women will suffer varicose veins in their lifetime, according to a study done by the American College of Phlebology. This may not be a hot topic of conversation,…
Read MoreCommon Causes of Back Pain in Pregnancy Welcome Guest Author Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. of Better Health Alaska Chiropractors, Anchorage Alaska There are many causes of back pain not associated with pregnancy. There are also obvious back pain causes that are associated with pregnancy. The most common type of back pain is lower back pain.…
Read MoreHow to prevent and heal diastasis recti Diastasis recti is common during pregnancy. There are ways to prevent, heal and treat this condition during pregnancy and postpartum which are safe for both mom and baby. Many excellent exercise programs exist which will help you heal your body from diatasis recti and abdominal support systems…
Read MoreCABEA Orthopedic Designs Joins BEACON (Biomedical Engineering Alliance & Consortium) CABEA Orthopedic Designs joins BEACON the most prominent Medical Device community in Connecticut. CABEA’s mission is in alignment with that of BEACON (Biomedical Engineering Alliance and Consortium’s) members who are a ‘collaborative among private and public entities pledging to develop and deliver commercially viable innovations in…
Read MoreBabybellyband Review Postpartum Wellness Blog : Want to read more good stuff about Babybellyband products and get an unbiased review? Link over to Postpartum Wellness blog and see for yourself. Babybellyband is highly recommended by their professional staff and Mom reviewers. They wrote us a phenomenal Babybellyband review! MyPostpartumWellnessBlog “CABEA brand cares about you because not only…
Read MoreBenefits for wearing a belly band during and after pregnancy a review by Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog gives a thumbs up to use of Baby belly band products during and post pregnancy. Check out her blog to read the review and loads of other pregnancy info Excerpts from the review “A woman’s body is constantly under…
Read MoreFDA Registered Class 1 Medical Device Babybellyband® by CABEA Babybellyband® Maternity, Hernia Support and Compression Therapy Products are manufactured in the USA by a Food and Drug Administration Registered Facility: CABEA, LLC: Owner Operator #10046183 Babybellyband® is a registered Class I Medical Device with the FDA Registration Number: 3010765728 Safety and quality is a priority at…
Read More 3:56pm Thursday 16th January 2014 in News Caroline Christensen is a former science teacher and a mother of three, as well as the creator of the Baby Belly Band. She lives in the Berkshire mountains of Connecticut about two hours from New York. Caroline, 49, experienced problems with hernias during all three of her pregnancies…
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