Hip pain pregnancy
Hip pain pregnancy related issues: When experiencing hip pain during pregnancy or during any time of life, wearing a sacro-iliac support band like the Babybellyband® brings tremendous relief and prevents further injury. Stabilizing the joint reduces pain and swelling and can bring about a more comfortable, bearable daily life. During pregnancy the hormone relaxin helps to loosen ligaments in the hips to prepare for childbirth, but sometimes this can cause discomfort for some women. Strengthening exercises can help increase muscle strength supporting the hip will help, as well as stretching the muscles. A solid exercise program can be found on at this link: Bellies.com If you like the pool or have a lake nearby, a water workout is a gentle way to strengthen and stretch the hips. Link to everyday health article Link to Water workout exercises at Fitpregnancy Please share your story, expertise or comments about your experience with #hippain during #pregnancy.
Most hip pain is from stress on the joint and inflammation can be caused when the femoral head doesn’t fit properly in the acetabulum or has reduced cartilage. In pregnancy, oddly enough most hip pain is referred from the sciatic nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve inflammation and even an inguinal hernia can cause referred hip pain. There can also be bursitis called Trochanteric Bursitis in the joint from inflammation due to overuse from the weight of the pregnancy. There can also be sprains (injury to ligaments in the joint) and strains come from muscle or tendon damage- both are common during pregnancy due to overly flexible joints from the hormone relaxin. The iliotibial band of muscles may also become inflamed and cause Piriformis Syndrome. This is when the Piriformis is in a state of spasm and irritates the sciatic nerve- I can tell you from experience it is excruciating 🙁
These are some of the most common examples of hip pain during pregnancy 🙂
Hope this helps 🙂
Written by Dana Oakes, doula, Winchester, CT