Belly Side Pain during Pregnancy – Round ligament strain 2nd trimester

New moms-to-be look forward to having a baby and enjoying their pregnancy. As the belly grows, there is often unwelcome muscle pain in lower back, front or side of the belly. Ligaments in the uterus and pelvis begin to stretch causing discomfort in the lower back and side of the belly. If pain is in the front or side of the belly it could be caused by the round ligaments stretching. The round ligament attaches the uterus (the organ where your baby grows) to the wall of the pelvis. This can cause sharp, shooting pain and discomfort in the pelvic, groin or side of the belly and is often referred to as ‘lightning crotch’, a sharp intense pain in the lower groin or side of belly. Often round ligament pain can be mistaken for false labor. By supporting the belly and ligaments, false labor calls can be prevented and round ligament pain can be eased. Many drugs are not safe for pregnant women so most moms-to-be turn to alternative, natural methods of pain relief. There are many ways to ease round ligament pain naturally.
Some common symptoms of round ligament pain include:
• Ligament spasms or contractions/cramps that trigger a sharp pain typically on the right side of the abdomen.
• Pain upon waking or rolling over in your sleep.
• Pain in the abdomen that is sharp brought on by exercise or other vigorous activity. Belly pain in the second trimester
How to heal or ease Round Ligament Pain – Treatment options?
- When sleeping, lie on the opposite side of the pain.
- Warm the area of pain with a hot water bottle (electric heating pads can be too hot)
- Take a warm bath to ease muscles and ligaments
- Avoid using medication to ease pain and opt for natural medication free techniques
- Supporting the belly with maternity belly band with shoulder straps will give the ligaments a chance to relax without so much strain, greatly reducing pain.
The Babybellyband Round Ligament Pregnancy Belly Support Kit is proven effective for supporting Mom during pregnancy.
Testimonial from Health Professionals
“I absolutely love this belt and would wrap every pregnant mother in it if I could. It greatly reduces round ligament pain and false labor calls. I have been a Nurse Midwife for 40 years and the Babybellyband is the only product my Moms will wear consistently.”
Nancy Giglio, Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)
For more information read this article by Northwest Women’s Clinic on Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy