Effectiveness of the Babybellyband® Products
Posted on April 14, 2023||

From 2016-2022, BabyBellyBand requested feedback from our customers through a survey based on the International Pain Assessment Scale. The effectiveness survey was completed by 285 women who were asked to assess their pain.
The survey asked customers:
- What issues were they trying to resolve with a BabyBellyBand?
- How much pain and discomfort were they in prior to using a BabyBellyBand?
- How much pain were they in after using a BabyBellyBand?
We were not surprised by the results. We know we’ve got a great product, but we were impressed with just how much customers thought so too. A significant amount of our customers reported that they were able to get back to their normal routines with the help of the BabyBellyBand.
Click here to see the results of the survey.