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Best Maternity Belt for Pelvic Pain 2018- 2020 Award

Babybellyband Maternity Belt Voted Best for Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction SPD Pelvic Pain

Best Maternity Belt for Pelvic Pain 2019- 2020, MomLovesBest Review

Babybellyband voted Best Maternity Belt for Pelvic Pain related to pregnancy in 2019 by MomLovesBest.  We are proud to say that we have been solving pregnancy pain issues since 2007.  We have worked closely with doctors and midwives and most importantly listened to our customers to improve our products over the years.  Now our Moms have amazing success with our products with 94% feeling pain relief and 75% able to return to normal activity while wearing the Babybellyband.  Solving issues from hip and back pain to pelvic pain caused by SPD (pubic symphysis discomfort,  vulvar varicosities, hernias, edema, and prolapse.  Check out the article from MomLovesBest  or read our short clip below to see what they have to say.

Benefits Of Maternity Belts And Belly Bands

Maternity belts can help in many different situations during pregnancy:

  • If you’re on your feet a lot at work.
  • If you’ve gained more weight than you were expecting to.
  • If you’re expecting twins.
  • If you’re having back pain.
  • If you’re suffering from pelvic pain.
  • If you have sciatica.
  • If you have round ligament pain, which is common in pregnancy.
  • If pregnancy has caused a hernia.

3. CABEA Maternity Support Belt

This belt provides compression for your groin area, which may feel a little strange at first, but before long you’ll wonder how you managed without it. The compression helps pelvic floor pain, as well as back discomfort and hernias.

It offers firm support low down to help lift the abdomen off the pelvis. You should begin to feel relief immediately.

This belt is breathable, easy to figure out and simple to adjust. Plus, you can clean it in the washing machine with all your other clothes, which is always a time saver.

Caroline Christensen, M.Ed

Founder & Designer of Babybellyband Maternity Support Wear - pelvic health products for women and men experiencing discomfort caused by pregnancy, hernia, lymphedema or prolapse. Designed, patented & trademarked Babybellyband® products by CABEA® University of Massachusetts Amherst B.S. Exercise Science - Caridac Rehab, Kinesiology University of Massachusetts Amherst M. Ed Science Education Member: American College of Nurse Midwives

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